Birding Report, July 4th

Anton Kovalyov
3 min readJul 5, 2021


A friend of mine invited me to a bird walk at the botanical garden in San Francisco. The walk was organized by the Golden Gate Audubon Society so it was my first “formal” bird walk. We learned about birds, witnessed people being very excited about seeing a baby hawk, and had a very good time. I also snapped some nice photos.

American Robin

I’m not sure if this one is a Robin because the beak is dark. Hmm.

Red-shouldered Hawk

This baby hawk got people really excited, especially since we could observe it up close. (The next shot was taken with 300mm lens, not cropped.) The hawk was very calm, even though it was surrounded by a group of very upset jays.

Steller’s Jay

Jays always look angry. I remember at Tassajara they would dive bomb me to steal my food when I wasn’t careful enough while eating outside.

Anna’s Hummingbird

We saw quite a few hummingbirds and learned about their courtship displays. As for the types of hummingbirds, almost every time, after some discussion, the consensus ended being Anna’s Hummingbird.

Black Phoebe

Song Sparrow

I don’t remember anyone identifying this one as a Song Sparrow so trusting the Merlin Bird ID app here.

Pygmy Nuthatch

Great Blue Herron



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