
Anton Kovalyov
2 min readSep 14, 2014

This post was originally published on August 22nd, 2012 on my personal blog.

In the next few weeks I will be moving on from Disqus to Mozilla where I join the Firefox Developer Tools team.

This is bittersweet, because while I’m extremely excited about my new job at Mozilla, I’m very sad to be leaving Disqus, a company that I love.

I came to the United States after reading a post on Hacker News, passing three Skype interviews and proving to the US government that I didn’t have bad intentions. Daniel and Jason picked me up at the San Francisco airport and let me live in their apartment until I found my own place.

The next day, I woke up really early — 12 hours jetlag was no joke — and decided to check out what America is all about with a walk around the neighborhood. After noticing a ridiculous amount of Starbucks cafes, I stumbled upon a door that had a “Disqus” sign on it. Realizing I was now at my new company’s headquarters, I tailgated my way into the building and started finishing up the Disqus/Blogger integration patch that I started on the flight.

What followed were probably the most amazing years of my life. I not only grew professionally as a programmer, I also met awesome people who are both smarter and way more fun than I am. Plus, I had lots of fun working on what is now the best commenting platform on the web.

During that time, I also discovered that I am passionate about development tools, happily spending much of my time on improving JSHint and smaller projects like Hiro. I realized that by working at Mozilla, I could dedicate all my time to development tools—and so as much as I loved my job at Disqus, I realized it was time to move my full-time focus. I also agree wholly with Mozilla’s values regarding the Internet as a resource that is open and accessible to everyone.

So here I am with my new challenge. Allons-y!

