Anton Kovalyov
2 min readSep 15, 2015


Come Celebrate Beautiful JavaScript

This morning I was at the Oakland International Airport. (Oakland International is an amazing airport, by the way, much better than SFO.) I was walking towards an exit and then almost took a wrong turn. That was when I noticed the sign and took this photo:

Look at this person. They’re my hero. This is the chillest chiller who is calmly walking away from the fire. Flames are almost touching their elbow but they just don’t give a fuck. In fact, maybe they set the building on fire. They’re walking down that staircase, whistling a tune, and watching the world burn.

Beautiful JavaScript is a published book now. I even went to Powell’s Books this past weekend and found a few copies there. I even signed one of them. We also got our first two star review. User FM hasn’t had the chance to read the book yet but he thinks it’s too thin so he decided to give it two stars. Others liked it: they rated it on Amazon, sent us emails, and tweeted about it. This is good. The project is done and — sorry FM — I think it turned out to be great.

This means it’s time walk away from the fire we started and party! Next Tuesday, September 22nd, we’ll be having a celebration party and you’re all invited! Come for food and drinks and social interaction! (In tech circles this means we’ll be standing around awkwardly repeatedly asking each other “so, what do you do?”)

The event is free but you’ll need to RSVP on Eventbrite. Fun fact: once you sign up as a friend of Anton we’ll have to have obligatory dinner parties every once in a while.



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